GS Electronic Vertriebs und Service GmbH
Maulkuppenstr. 2a
36043 Fulda / Germany
Eugene Karpos, Technical Support +49(0)661-942-9635
Fax: +49(0)661.942.9636
SK-VENTIUM 101-702 Kunpo, Kyunggi-Do
435-776 Korea
Tel: 82.31.458.5322
Fax: 82.31.458.5322
107023 RF, Moscow, Elektrozavodskaya Str. 24
Moscow, Russia 107023
107023, РФ, г. Москва, ул.
Электрозаводская, д .24
офис 223-224.
Eugene Tabakov / Табаков Евгений
Deputy Director
Tel: +7 (495) 921-3012, 646-2092
Fax: +7 (495) 921-3012
LCI Furnaces
675 N Eckhoff St Ste D
Orange, CA 92868 USA
Tel: +1 949.218.4996
Victor Hwang, Furnace Sales +805.987.1899
Fax: +49(0)661.942.9636
Qualified Sales and Technical Support Needed
We are looking for companies or individuals with sales and technical experience to represent us in a number of areas worldwide. If you or your organization believe you can bring value to customers as well as benefit from supporting our new and aftermarket near-infrared belt furnace equipment sales, upgrades and service, please contact us. Responsive communication discipline required.
email us if you are interested in representing us.
eMail for Quote |
30025 Alicia Pkwy #417
Laguna Niguel CA 92677 USA
Monday - Friday
7 AM - 4 PM PT